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영문 이름

English name

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검색결과 : 799개 (16/16페이지)
No. Name Meaning Gender Orign
751 TODD Fox M English
752 TOM A Twin M Greek
753 TOMAS A Twin M Latin
754 TOMMY A Twin M American
755 TORY Winner E American
756 TRACE Brave E English
757 UDELL Grove of trees M English
758 UNA Unity F Celtic/Gaelic
759 UNITY Oneness F American
760 VAIL Valley E English
761 VALENTINA Health or Love F Latin
762 VAN From the family of.. E Scandinavian
763 VANCE Swamp M English
764 VANESSA Butterfly F Greek
765 VEA Chief, Seen F Latin
766 VELVET Soft Fabric F American
767 VENUS Goddess of Love F Greek
768 VERA Truth F Italian
769 VERLEE Truthful F American
770 VERN Youthful M French
771 VERNA Truth F Latin
772 VIANCA Fair Skinned, White F American
773 VICKY Winner, Conqueror F American
774 VICTOR Winner, Conqueror M Latin
775 VICTORIA Winner, Conqueror F Latin
776 VINNY From the name VINCENT M American
777 VIOLET Purple/blue flower F French
778 VIVIAN Full of Life, Vibrant F Latin
779 WADE Cross the Water M English
780 WALDEN Mighty M German
781 WALDO God's Power M English
782 WALKER Forest Walker E English
783 WARD Guardian M English
784 WARNER Defender M German
785 WARREN To Preserve M English
786 WARRICK Strong Leader M English
787 WASHINGTON Town near the Water M English
788 WATSON Son of Walter M English
789 WEBB Weaver M English
790 WENDY White Skinned F Welsh
791 WESLEY The West Meadow M German
792 WESTON From the West Town M English
793 WHISTLER He who wistles M English
794 WHITNEY White Island E English
795 WILKINSON Son of young Will M English
796 WILL From the name WILLIAM M American
797 WILLIAM Protector M English
798 WILSON Son of WILLIAM M German
799 WIND Moving Air F American

