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영문 이름

English name

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검색결과 : 799개 (15/16페이지)
No. Name Meaning Gender Orign
701 SONNY Our Son M American
702 SOPHIA Wisdom F Greek
703 SOPHIE Wisdom - dim. of Sophia F Greek
704 SORA Chirping Songbird F Native American
705 SOREN God of War M Scandinavian
706 SPENCER Administrator E English
707 STACY Resurrection E English
708 STANLEY Rocky Meadow M German
709 STEVEN Crowned One M Greek
710 STORM A Storm E American
711 STUART Keeper of the Estate M English
712 SUE Lily F American
713 SUNNY Brilliant, of the Sun E American
714 SUSAN Lily F Hebrew
715 SUZY From the name SUSAN F French
716 SYDNEY Contraction of St. Denys E French
717 SYLVIE From the name SYLVIA F French
718 TAB Form of DAVID or Drummer M American
719 TACEY Silent, Calm F English
720 TAD From the name THAD M American
721 TAMATHA Dear Tammy F American
722 TAMBER Music Pitch F American
723 TAMBRE Great Joy, Music F English
724 TANNAR Leather Worker E English
725 TANSY Flower F Native American
726 TARAN Earth E American
727 TATE He who brings happiness E English
728 TATUM Cheerful F English
729 TAYA From the name Taylor F English
730 TAYLOR Tailor E English
731 TAYTEN Beautiful Happiness E American
732 TEAL Greenish Blue Color E American
733 TED Divine Gift M English
734 TEDDY Divine Gift M English
735 TEENIE Small One E American
736 TEIGE A Poet E American
737 TEMPLE A Sanctuary E English
738 TEMPLETON Town of Sanctuary M English
739 TENDER Sensitive F American
740 TENESS not available F American
742 THALIA Joyful F Greek
743 THANE Landowner E English
744 THOMAS A Twin M Greek
745 THURMAN Servant of Thor M English
746 TIGER Powerful cat, tiger E American
747 TIM To Honor God M Greek
748 TIMBERLY Tall Ruler F African-American
749 TIMOTHY To Honor God M Greek
750 TINA Short for names ending in TINE F Greek

